Please Help; I have a Heartbeat

I like it when people try to get the word out. I know its hard. I know that there are a lot of tears shed when people hear the truth about how I live.

The bark alert was sounded yesterday around 3:00pm in Lancaster County. Apparently some guy, Bill, who founded Main Line Animal Rescue was on this show, Oprah. He visited us last month; he visits about once a month and is given the puppies that won’t be sold and mother’s that get too old to have any more litters. We always try to tell him, he acts like he hears our cries – now we know he did.

There are a lot of people who wouldn’t watch the show. I say “Boo on Ya”. But I know its hard to endure, so I understand. I heard some dogs talking about the segment on the euthanizing part. I closed my ears for most of it. It plain sucks the way we have to live. The people out here see us as a ‘cash crop’. They don’t realize we have hearts, we breathe, we feel. (And while I’m speaking that, I’ll mention – so do the cows, horses, chickens, cats!). To them, we are just there to raise money.

It felt good to hear about Bill’s rescue efforts, and the people like him. Main Line Rescue sponsored four billboards around Harpo Studios hoping Oprah would be curious enough to look further, “Oprah, Please do a Show on Puppy Mills, the dogs need you”. She did! The whole show was about us.

I’m sorry that there were a lot of tears shed. I hope that people learned though. Did you hear the two people saying there is greater than a 90% chance that if you buy a puppy in a pet shop they came from a Puppy Mill? I was hoping we were the only ones living in rabbit hutches. The green stuff on the ground looks so cozy to set paw upon – I haven’t ever experienced anything other than metal grates below my feet.

My nipples are swollen. I hope my puppies can still get milk. It hurts when they do, but I would do anything for my babies. I wish there was a way I could end my life, but the puppies with me now need me. And I tend to be the encourager to the other Mom’s. There are about 50 where I live. I’ve been a Mommy most of my life. I had my first litter before I was even grown up – and have had two litters every year since then. I love my puppies, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like a machine.

At least I don’t have to run around in wheels like hamsters. My friends down the road have to do that. Even when they are ready to burst with puppies pregnant they have to run the wheels. And I think *I* have it hard.

Please spread this around. *****DO YOUR RESEARCH BEFORE YOU BUY A PUPPY***** Meet the breeder, visit the breeder, trace the heritage. Educate your friends and family. Please. For our sake.

Here is a link to Oprah’s Show that Lisa Ling did.
Here’s another on the Cash Crop mentality.

Sometimes Love is Painful. I didn’t want to watch the pain of the animals on the show. But I had to. I had to so that I get the message again to spread the work and speak out. I believe education is what I have to do. I don’t think people know these places are right around the corner about 10 minutes from my home. It hurts. If you know of someone looking for a pet, please inform them. Warn them. Help them find sources. I’m thankful for finding Paris, our 4 yr old Cockapoo. It wasn’t easy finding a puppy that I knew (cause I checked) wasn’t from a Mill. They are too common. (Rescues wouldn’t talk to us cause we had a child under 5yrs old and we didn’t have a fence [although stated we were willing to install one] ). Do your homework!

13 responses to “Please Help; I have a Heartbeat

  1. EXCELLENT. Perfect. Don’t quit talking about it!!

  2. Kim – What a great article – you should submit it to your local papers. I am going to forward it to my family that lives in the area too! Way to use your voice for good!!

  3. Go get ’em. Puppy mills suck and so do the people that run them. That was a bit mean….nah. They do suck.

  4. Kim, how sad… yes… there should be tears. Way to get the word out!

  5. Sarah – Thanks. I needed the show as that reminder! Speak louder even when painful.

    Cyndee – Way to help spread the word! That’s exactly what they need!

    gotbob – Yerp. Some of it is ignorance, but a lot of it is stupid. Allow the heart to feel 🙂

  6. pasadenaviews – It was written with many of them as I remembered the images and attempted to ‘feel’.

  7. So so sad… Thanks for the reminder. Bless ’em. I hope there will be another showing of Oprah’s show. I heard about it too late to set the DVR.

  8. Sandy – For you, I can arrange a showing at my house!

  9. Oh Kim, I write this with tears, so sad. Such an overwhelming task. As a mom to 5 kids and 4 dogs, it breaks my heart.

  10. Thanks for adding your part to the discussion around this issue. The first dog my wife and I bought was direct from a puppy mill. We actually drove to the mill and bought him. We didn’t know better. The dog we have now is straight from the local animal shelter and she is the best dog I’ve ever had. The word needs to get out!

  11. Wicked post Kim.

    Thank you for Twittering with me about this the other day. You have already begun educating people.

    Great job!

  12. Morris Olitsky

    Hi Kim,
    I’m the guy on your left on the last leg of your return from San Francisco. This is a great blog, and I’m not a blog-reader. You hit a nerve with this article on puppy mills. I’ve always gotten cats and dogs from the local animal shelter, though that hasn’t always been great.
    Keep up the good work!

  13. Pingback: Stop Puppy Mills Awareness Day « West of Philly Burbs | Real Estate and More

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